The TENMAK Project and Scholarship Support Tracking System, developed within the scope of the project carried out by the Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mining Research Institute, became operational on January 11, 2023. The system includes the information system that forms the database of researchers operating in the fields of science and technology such as energy, mining, ionizing radiation, particle accelerators, nuclear, boron and rare earth elements, which fall within TENMAK's area of responsibility, and the support system where applications for project calls opened to support researchers working in these fields are received and scholarships are awarded.
After the system became operational, a total of 6 calls were opened under the headings of "Hydrogen Technologies and Fuel Cell" and "Carbon Capture, Use and Storage" and applications were started to be received in the system.
The system can be accessed at address.
We would like to thank all colleagues who contributed to the project for their devoted work and contributions.