Within the scope of the State Accounting Information System Project developed in cooperation with the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Treasury and Finance, General Directorate of Accounting and TÜBİTAK BİLGEM YTE, the e-Collection application was used to realize the collections of public administrations electronically through banks. Thanks to this system, non-tax public receivables were also transferred to the electronic environment and citizens were enabled to make their public payments through this system instead of cashiers.
The e-Collection application, which was first used by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization for zoning peace collections, successfully collected 4 billion TL with more than 800 thousand transactions. It is aimed to integrate all banks into the application, and development activities for making collections through POS devices continue. Amounts collected with the e-Collection application, related accounting transactions are carried out and followed instantly on the application. Accounting transactions are tracked through the system until they are transferred to the treasury accounts.
Sistemin tam olarak devreye alınmasıyla birlikte Hazine’nin nakit kaynaklarına erişim hızının artması ve ülkemizin faiz giderlerinin azalması beklenmektedir. Bu sayede kamu alacaklarının, dijitalleştirilmesi ve elektronik tahsilat sistemiyle daha etkin bir şekilde yönetilmesi sağlanmaktadır.